By Katey Rich
Well, yesterday Tobey Maguire was telling us that we should settle for "Mr. Good Enough," but today the message is, whatever! You'll be divorced by 30 anyway! That's at least the premise of Universal's upcoming comedy Divorced by 30, based on Sascha Rothchild's tongue-in-cheek article in L.A. Weekly about the dissolution of her marriage at age 29. Variety reports that the rom-com will star a heroine who plans a pre-30 "starter marriage," but "finds her perceptions redrawn by reality and relationships." Leaving alone the fact that the article actually suggests that starter marriages don't work, who on earth thinks this is a good idea-- or an original one, for that matter?
The Weinstein Company has picked up the distribution rights to All Good Things, a drama starring Kristen Dunst, Ryan Gosling and Frank Langella. Variety doesn't report on the details, but earlier reports said Gosling would play the son of a rich New York real estate broker, with Dunst as the girlfriend who turns up missing. Just to keep you up to date on the gossip, Dunst and Gosling are said to be dating, which means millions of teen girls suddenly care about this movie.
Much was made of Julie Christie's return to acting in Away From Her, and everyone figured she'd take another seven-year hiatus after the grueling Oscar race. But now she's accepted a role in Shekhar Kapur's (formerly Anthony Minghella's) short installment in New York, I Love You, an anthology of shorts about life in the city in the spirit of the recent art house hit Paris, je t'aime.. Christie will be paired up with quite an unusual love interest-- Shia LaBeouf, the 22-year-old star of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Hollywood Reporter writes that more stars have been cast in other shorts, including Hayden Christensen, Chris Cooper and Ethan Hawke.
And finally, yet another geeky high schooler is getting all worked up about losing the big V. Variety reports that Overture Films has picked up Megan Parsons' spec script Freshly Popped, about a girl who works at a movie theatre concession stand (get it, popping popcorn?), trying to decide on the boy with whom she'll lose her virginity. (Get it? Don't make me explain it.)
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