Thursday, October 18, 2007

Science Is, After All, Awesome

By Katey Rich


I dare you to find me a better nominee for Picture of the Day. The man on fire is John Frazier, and that calm look on his face is not because he's a mind-control expert: he's demonstrating a fire-proof gel that's up for consideration by the Academy for Scientific and Technical Academy Awards.

The Hollywood Reporter has a whole article about demonstrations like this that went on Tuesday night, not all of which were so visually stunning. Yes, there were people literally shot out of cannons-- demonstrating the Precision Stunt Specialists' Pressure Sensor Actuator--and Look Solutions presented the Tiny Fogger, which can be attached to costumes or props (can I rent one for Halloween? Please?), but other innovations included a new film stock from Kodak and Tinsley Transfers' waterproof prosthetic that can be easily attached to an actor's face (no more complaining about long hours in the makeup chair!)

Here at Film Journal we talk a lot about the technical aspects of showing films, from digital projectors to seat sensors (seriously! read all about them here), but most of us don't think about the technical side of making the films. Sure, Beowulf is getting lots of attention for using motion-capture animation, but how about the technical whizzes and bangs that aren't computer animated? A Powerbook may be able to create Barry B. Benson or Nemo, but can it set a man's arm on fire? We can only dream.

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